The Story Behind Rhythms of His Grace
So, the idea behind Rhythms of His Grace came from one of my favorite passages in the Bible, Matthew 11:28-30. As I was reflecting on these well-known words, the Truth tucked within started carving out a lodging place deep within my heart. The Spirit of God began to unwrap for me some of the beauty of what Jesus was really saying here.
It hit me. Hard and fast. And hasn’t left. Never will.
I realized this was waaaaay more than just a “nice Jesus” sharing “nice words” with needy people. Instead, He was extending an extravagant invitation to all who were open-minded enough to receive.
For those open-minded enough…flexible enough…adventurous enough – hungry enough – to consider a new way of thinking…of perceiving…of relating…of coping…of living.
And the reality is, for some reason, not everyone is interested.
But. For those who are…
There’s just no words to adequately describe the opportunity being offered here.
Divinity inviting humanity into total and complete intimacy with Himself.
The Message Translation paints the picture. So very well. It captures Jesus’ Divine Invitation in fresh, relatable – absolutely irresistible – language:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to Me.
Get away with Me
and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with Me and work with Me – watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with Me
and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
His lavish offer speaks of refreshment….nourishment…and renewal for our hearts and minds…indeed, for our very lives.
It reminds us the deep, lasting sustenance, purpose, and fulfillment we all long for aren’t found in dry, religious activity…in meaningless creeds or routines…in entertainment or leisure…or really in anything this world has to offer, as attractive and great as those things might be.
Instead, Jesus supersedes it all and invites us to an unheard of, radical existence, beyond our wildest imaginations…
Eternal. Abundant. Serendipitous. Adventurous.
Life – in it’s purest, highest, most outrageously delicious form – is found in moment-by-moment, intimate relationship with a Person…Jesus, The Lover of our Souls,
Who is passionately pursuing each one of us, extending His Hand, and inviting us to…
Come to Him…Walk with Him…and Live in Him…
Come to Me
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Get away with Me
and you’ll recover your life…”
Walk with Me
“Walk with Me and work with Me – Learn how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you…”
Live in Me
“Keep company with Me
and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Are you ready?
Are you open-minded enough? Courageous enough? Adventurous enough?
Hungry enough?
For change…for freshness.
For a love relationship with the Creator of the Universe…with the One Who named the stars…with the One Who holds it all together.
With the One Who gave His all for you…and me.
With the Holy One…with the King of Kings…with the Lord of Lords.
With the One Who fashioned you in your mother’s womb…
With the One Who knows you intimately and loves you passionately…
Are you ready to know, as you are known?
If so, then let’s do this thing. Together.
Let’s draw close. And stay longer.
Let’s be still. And listen.
And follow. And enjoy the journey.
Close to His Heart.
Well. Huh. I had better close for now.
I just really wanted you all to know. All of that. The back story. Because it’s important. And it’s a beautiful thing.
For all of us.
And for those yet to join us in this journey.
Soooooooooo, I’ll see you next time.
And remember…the best is always yet to come!
PS. Now…don’t you all go getting used to “a post a day.” Unless you pray. Super-hard. For inspiration and a listening heart…and writing fingers that cannot stop.
Hey. On second thought, let’s pray for that very thing.
(Well…OK, maybe not every day. I have a husband. And, I don’t get it, but…he likes to eat. For some unknown reason).
So, love you all and see you soon💕
PPS Oh. And if you would like email notifications of new posts – because well, they’ll be random, not daily…we already discussed that – just click on “Subscribe” in the side bar.
See ya’ later. For real.
(You all do know I love to tease and have fun, right)?
Paula Alter
I love and am blessed to be taking this journey!
Marty Holcombe
Oh, I’m so glad, Paula! And how amazing for us to be connected in this way…even though high school was just yesterday💁🏻♀️😍Love you!
Della Russell
Makes my heart so happy. You are so encouraging. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Marty Holcombe
I’m so glad, Della. Thank you❤️
Judy Worrell
This is beautiful, you are truly blessed with a gift of writing. Thank you for sharing that gift with us💕💕
Marty Holcombe
Oh, thank you so much, dear Judy. That means a LOT to me. And it is my joy to do this…🙏
I also really love the comments, and the ability for all of us to connect in meaningful ways😘
Well, hallelujah! Already a blessing. Much needed perspective in this season.
Marty, I’m happy you are here in my life.
Marty Holcombe
Well hey there, fun friend! Yes…His perspective is most definitely what we all need right now🙌🏼🙏❤️
(And I’m so happy about that too. You are a rich blessing to me…for sure)!
Sharon Andrews M Andrews
This is so beautiful Marty and so is your heart! How do I participate in this with you?
Marty Holcombe
Awwwwwwww…Hey, Sharon!! Thank you so much. It is a joy to do❤️
And I just received your subscription to the blog!!! So you are good to go🥰