My Story


Hey, everyone!  Well, I can say with certainty, life most definitely is a journey…I am a surgical cardiothoracic critical care nurse by profession. When I was 25 years old, however, I met and married my husband, Paul.  Paul’s first wife had died of breast cancer, leaving him with four young children, ages 5, 9, 11, and 14.  At that point, I left my critical care nursing career and devoted myself to…well, um…adjusting!

Fast forward to 17 years ago when Paul decided to take early retirement from his corporate law career.  At that time, we sensed the Spirit of God prompting us to make a HUGE shift out of our comfortable, suburban North Carolina home to a rural cattle farm in the Virginia mountains.  We followed that adventurous nudge, sold our home, built on our mountain property, and devoted ourselves to…well, um…adjusting again!  

Since then, we have been  enjoying life with horses, dogs, cattle, lots of gatherings with  family and friends, and the beauty of God’s Presence expressed through the unique chunk of Creation He has entrusted to us.

My passion is to connect with women…to grow deeper in our walks with Jesus…to discover the joys of intimacy with Him…and to share that adventure with other open hearts. 

I’m most assuredly not a theologian.

Fortunately, however, theological brilliance is not a prerequisite to experiencing the privilege of relationship with the Father.  And…relationship with the Father is what I’m all about.

The beauty of serendipitous God-adventures awaits each one of us every single day.

I’m soooooooo looking forward to taking this one with you!

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